5 Behaviors That Accelerate Team Productivity

1. Trust

Building trust with your direct reports is foundational. When people admit their mistakes and ask for help, it primes any team to thrive.

“Trust but verify” is bad thinking. Trust can’t be earned if you’re unwilling to give it to your team. To do this, you must spend time together, understand work styles, and willingly be personal.

2. Conflict

When people trust each other, they’re willing to engage in productive conflict. They see it as truth seeking and problem solving. This enables teams to pursue the best solutions.

“I want to maintain harmony” is bad thinking. You must be able to push back and manage up when there’s a difference of opinion.

3. Commitment

People won’t buy-in until they’ve had the chance to weigh-in. Once we have productive conflict, we’re in a position to make commitments that matter.

“I was in the room but didn’t agree with the decision” is bad thinking. We must insist that people verbally express their commitment (or not) to a solution. Not voting is harmful to the team!

4. Accountability

Teams that require the boss in the room to hold them accountable get less done. When commitments are clear, it’s easier to tell someone they’re off track.

“It’s my manager’s job to question people” is bad thinking. You must be able to ask questions and challenge behaviors to achieve results.

5. Results

Productive teams focus on achieving the same outcome. They understand that when one side of the boat is taking on water, the whole boat is sinking.

“I did my part but you didn’t do yours” is bad thinking. You must measure team productivity by looking at the collective output of the team. When we’re missing the target, we should all activate to solve.

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