6 Things That Radically Shape Career Potential

1. Your Personality

As an adult, 98% of your personality is baked. Beyond traumatic events, it won’t change much. Therefore, you need strong self-awareness about your strengths & weaknesses.

“I must strengthen my weaknesses” is bad thinking. You can’t just snap out of it. With precision, you must use tools to help you overcome the negatives.

2. Your Calendar

Stop making excuses about not having time. Call it what it is. It’s just not a priority.

“I’ll wait until I have more time” is bad thinking. To grow in your career, you must put non-negotiable time blocks on your calendar to work on your wildly important goals.

3. Your Communication

Open the last email you sent to 10 or more people. Do you have a natural style that galvanizes change? Or do you use tactics that turn people off?

“People shouldn’t need me to send reminders” is bad thinking. Even CEOs fail to drive action. Having power isn’t enough. You must be able to influence at Internet-famous levels.

4. Your Conflict

Think about your last convo with your boss or peers that was uncomfortably disagreeable. How did it go? Did you establish boundaries? Were you willing to compromise?

“I want to maintain harmony” is bad thinking. You must be able to push back and manage up when there’s a difference of opinion.

5. Your Self-Care

During safety demos, flight attendants urge us to take care of ourselves before our companions in an emergency. This is true of our careers.

“I don’t have time for myself because I support others” is bad thinking. You must have healthy self-care habits freeing you from unconscious worries. Then, you can be your best self at work.

6. Your Feedback

What are others saying about your potential? Are you getting feedback about things that would improve your performance? Sometimes this is informal. Are you listening?

“My boss is a jerk, and I don’t care what they say” is bad thinking. Feedback is a gift, and you must tap into the formal and informal signals people are giving you.

What’s Next?

Stop guessing about what's possible. You need direct & concrete feedback about your growth potential. And you want it from a credible guide who has CIO & Board-level experience.

The Career Accelerator kickstarts the next crucial steps of your career and creates immediate action. We’ll build a customized playbook with specific tactics for advancement.